Friday, December 23, 2011

What Nursing Students Can Do Today to Help Land that Future Job....

We all choose to go to nursing school for one simple reason – to become a nurse. So while you are in nursing school the job market becomes a very important and real scene as you begin to scope out you future career.......

Use your preceptorship and internship as a method to land a job on that unit. Be professional and as excellent as you can be while you are there, because the nurses will take notice and most managers prefer to hire nursing students they know rather than complete strangers. Don’t be afraid to talk to the nurse manager about upcoming positions. They usually know well in advance if they will have an opening, and you could have an “in” before the job is actually posted.

Working as a certified nurse’s aide, patient care technician, etc., while you are in nursing school is a great way to get into the hospital. Most hospitals prefer to hire from within their own hospital rather than looking outside of it. It is also a great way to supplement your nursing education by working within the healthcare field while you are in school.NurseZone Page Link Here...

I have talked extensively about doing a nurse-residency program in other blog posts, but again, that is a great way to get your foot into the door of the hospital and unit where you want to be. Remember that it is okay to pay your dues on a unit that is not your first choice. Although your dream job may be in a different unit or field, take this opportunity to improve your nursing skills and build your resume up with experience. You may even end up liking the area and changing your career goals. Take it as an opportunity and not a disappointment.

Finally, use your contacts. If you have friends (nurses or not) who work at the hospital where you want to land a job, talk to them about how they got their job and what potential interview questions will be asked.

What experiences have you had in trying to find a job as a nurse? Have you used any of these tips? Do you have any others to add?

During the Interview...

Interviewing Tips for Nursing

Sample Nursing Resume

NurseZone Page Link Here...

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