Saturday, May 14, 2011

CDC Vaccine Basics.......


Monitoring health problems after vaccination is essential to ensure vaccines are held to the highest standard of safety. Years of testing are required by law before a vaccine can be licensed. Once licensed and in use, vaccines are continuously monitored for safety and efficacy.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Scientific Articles

Davis RL, Kolczak M, Lewis E, Nordin J, Goodman M, Shay DK, Platt R, Black S, Shinefield H, Chen RT. Active surveillance of vaccine safety: a system to detect early signs of adverse events.External Web Site Icon Epidemiology 2005;16(3): 336–341.
Chen RT, DeStefano F, Davis RL, Jackson LA, Thompson RS, Mullooly JP, Black SB, Shinefield HR, Vadheim CM, Ward JI, Marcy SM. The Vaccine Safety Datalink: immunization research in health maintenance organizations in the USA. Adobe PDF file [PDF--312.49 KB]External Web Site Icon Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2000;78(2):186–194.
Iskander J, Pool V, Zhou W, English-Bullard R; The VAERS Team. Data mining in the US using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.External Web Site Icon Drug Safety 2006;29(5):375–384.
Lieu TA, Black SB, Ray P, Chellino M, Shinefield HR, Adler NE. Risk factors for delayed immunization among children in an HMO.External Web Site Icon American Journal of Public Health 1994;84(10):1621–1625.
Varricchio F, Iskander J, Destefano F, Ball R, Pless R, Braun MM, Chen RT. Understanding vaccine safety information from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.External Web Site Icon Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2004;23(4):287-294.

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