Monday, May 9, 2011

Cellular Metabolism: Respiration (Anaerobic & Aerobic) .........

I). Definition

Metabolism: All of the chemical reactions necessary to maintain life.
Stage 1: Digestion in the GI tract.
Stage 2: Glycolysis: occurs in the cytoplasm.
Stage 3: Production of ATP in the mitochondria.
bulletcoenzyme: non-protein substances associated with an enzyme. In metabolism they act as electron acceptors.
NAD+-----------------> NADH+
FAD-----------> FADH+
cellular respiration
II). Cellular Respiration (Oxidation of Glucose)
C6H12O6 + 6O2-----> 6H2O + 6CO2 + 36 ATP +heat
1). Glycolysis
Glucose------> 2 pruvic acids + 2 ATP
bulletGlycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm.
bulletAnaerobic reaction.
bulletNo Oxygen .
bulletRelease 2 ATP
2). Krebs Cycle
bulletThe Krebs Cycle occurs in the mitochondria
bulletAerobic reaction.
bulletRequires oxygen
2 Pruvic Acid -------> 6CO2 + 10 reduced coenzymes + 2 ATP

bulletThe Krebss cycle occurs twice per glucose molecule.
bullet6 carbon dioxides are released
bullet 2 ATP.
bullet10 NAD coenzymes are reduced to NADH+.
3). Electron Transport Chain
NADH- à  FADH- à - à  2H+ and Oà  H2O +32 ATP
bulletThe electron transport chain occurs in the mitochondria.
bulletAerobic reaction
bulletRequires oxygen
bullet32 ATP released

High energy electrons are removed from the hydrogen leaving H+ ions and received by oxygen.
The oxygen and hydrogen ions combine forming water.
As the electrons are passed down the system their energy is released to allow the build up of ATP.

III). Fermentation
What happens if oxygen is not present?
No Oxygen  =   no electron transport chain
bulletFermentation is an anaerobic process
bulletNo oxygen needed
bulletProduce 2 ATP per pyruvate
Step 1:  Glycolysis produces 2 pyruvate acids and the coenzyme NAD picks up 2 hydrogens.
Step 2    NADH2 passes its hydrogens to pyruvate and forms lactic acid.
2ADP + Pyruvate + NADH2------à
2 ATP + Lactate + NAD

This is a representation of the workings of the Krebs Cycle

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