Monday, May 9, 2011

Joints of the Skeleton.....

Joints of the Skeleton
I). Definition
            Joints are the weakest part of the skeleton.
II). Classification
A). Functional:
B). Structure:
III) Types of Joints

A). Fibrous:
The amount of movement is based on the length of the tissue fibers.
1). Sutures
suture joint
2). Syndesmoses
syndesmoses joints

Limited movement:

Considerable movement:
3). Gomphoses
Gomphoses Joint

B). Cartilaginous Joints
bulletBones are united by cartilage and there is no cavity between the bones.

1). Synchondrosis
synchondrosis joints Synchondrosis joint
bullet hyaline cartilage unites the bones at the junction of cartilage

2). Symphyses
symphysis joint
bulletCartilage fuses into a pad of fibrocartilage that is compressible and allows some movement.
 C). Synovial Joints
synovial joint

bulletArticulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity.
IV). Structure of Synovial Joints
structure of synovial joints
A). Articular Cartilage 
 B). Synovial (joint) cavity   
C). Articular Capsule  
D). Synovial Fluid.
E). Reinforcing Ligaments  
F). Fatty Pads or Articular Discs
G). Bursae
bulletFlattened sacs that contain synovial fluid.
bulletFunctions to reduce friction.
H). Tendon Sheath
bulletA bursa that wraps around a tendon that is subject to friction.

V). Factors Influencing Joint Stability
A). The shape of articular surfaces.

B). Ligaments
C). Muscle Tone

VI).  Types of Synovial Joints
A). Plane Joints
Plane Joint
bulletFlat articular surfaces 
B). Hinge Joints
hinge joints
bulletCylindrical projections (condyles) fit into concave shapes 
C). Pivot Joints
Pivot Joints
bulletThe rounded end of one bone fits into the sleeve of bone or ligaments 
D). Condyloid or Ellipsoidal Joints
condyloid joints
bulletThe oval surface of one bone fits into the depression of another bone 
E). Saddle Joints
saddle joints
bulletboth concave and convex surfaces that allow for more movement 
F). Ball-and-Socket Joints
ball & socket
bulletSpherical head of bone articulates into a cup like surface of another.
VII).  Examples of Joints
A).  Knees Joint

B).  Hip Joint

C).  Shoulder Joint

D).  Elbow Joint

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