Monday, May 9, 2011

Muscular System Complete Muscle Contraction.........

I).  Muscle Twitch

A). Muscle twitch is the response of a muscle to a single brief threshold stimulus.
bulletThe strength of twitch depends on the number of motor units activated

muscle twitch
B). Phases
1). Latent Period
Muscle tension is beginning.
2). Period of Contraction
Muscle fibers shorten.
3). Period of Relaxation
Ca++ renters the sarcoplasmic reticulum
II). Graded Response
A).  Force depends on muscle units
Maximal stimulus
B). All or none response:
A muscle fiber that is exposed to threshold stimulus will contract with a complete twitch.
C). Staircase Effect

repeat stimulus of muscle
D). Graded muscle response
i). Summation
If 2 stimuli are delivered in rapid succession the second twitch will be greater than the first.
                    This only occurs if repolarization is not complete.

ii). Incomplete Tetanus
The  amount of Ca++ increases in the cytoplasm results in a quivering response
iii). Complete Tetanus

complete tetanus of a muscle

III). Isotonic & Isometric Contractions
A). Muscle tone
B). Isotonic contractions  The muscle changes length and moves a load.
bulletIsotonic contractions the thin actin filaments are sliding across the myosin

C). Isometric contractions:
Tension in the muscle increases but the muscle neither shortens or lengthens.
Isometric contractions the cross bridges are forming and pulling but the actin filament is not moving


IV) The ability to move a load (Load = resistance) is dependent on:
ability to move a load
A). The Force of Contraction
The degree of force is affected by:
1). The number of muscle fibers contracting.
2). The relative size of the muscle based on cross-section.
3). Series–elastic elements
4). Degree of muscle stretch.
Length tension relationship:
degree of muscle stretch
Too long: do not overlap & no cross bridges form
Too short:  overlap too much shortening cannot occur
B). Contractile Velocity
1). Size of load
2). Recruitment of motor units.
3). Muscle fiber type:
bulletslow fibers: fatigue resistant & aerobic endurance activities
bulletfast fibers: fatigue fast both aerobic and anaerobic.
C). Contractile Duration
D). The points of attachment
bulletMuscle & bone act as a lever:
bulletA change in the insertion point of a muscle can greatly affect its ability to move a load.
bullet(A load that is far from the joint takes a greater force to move)
E). Fascicle Arrangement
1). Parallel: Strap-like
2). Convergent: Fan shaped
3). Circular or Sphinchteral
4). Pennate:

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