Saturday, March 7, 2015

Respiratory Surgery Interventions and Questions....

Why should the nurse withhold food from a pt following a bronchoscopy? Aspiration – no gag reflex,  to test for return of gag reflex, should touch pharynx with depressor.....

After a laryngectomy a pt can develop frequent coughing and copious secretions due to lack of warmed, moist air.
A good nursing intervention after surgery to promote adequate ventilatory exchange would be to?  Position the client laterally with neck extended.  The tongue will not obstruct the airway
Priority after a laryngectomy is? Keep the trach free of secretions – patent airway is priority
Can a pt with a total laryngectomy and radical neck dissection still chew and swallow?  Yes
A pt has moderate edema of the neck tissues after a radical neck dissection.  The nurse should assess for?  Restlessness and dyspnea because this pt is at risk for airway obstruction, and these signs may indicate hypoxia

What are some interventions for pt with radical neck surgery? Chest tube to drain fluid, total Parenteral nutrition and bed rest.  TPN provides nutrition, boosts immune defenses, and decreases thoracic duct flow, bed rest b/c lymphatic flow increases with activity

The reason to perform deep breathing exercises after surgery  is to help with?  Counteracts respiratory acidosis,  retention of CO2 in the blood lowers the Ph, causing resp. acidosis;  deep breathing maximizes gaseous exchange, ridding the body of excess CO2
A common early sign of laryngeal cancer for which the nurse should assess a client would be? Hoarseness –

What is the purpose of the third chamber in the 3 chamber underwater drainage system?  It controls the amount of suction – 1st collects drainage, 2nd provides for the seal, 3rd –controls amt of suction
What is the top priority when a client is unconscious?  An obstructed airway, reduced O2 intake may lead to serious complications
A pt has an unresolved hemothorax and is febrile, with chills and sweating.  He has a nonproductive cough and chest pain.  His chest tube drainage is turbid.  He could be experiencing?  Empyema, an accumulation of pus in a body cavity which is a result of bacterial infection.  Turbid drainage is the hallmark sign
A client with supraglottic cancer undergoes a partial laryngectomy.  Postop, a cuffed trach tube is in place.  When removing secretions that pool above the cuff, the nurse should instruct the client to?   Cough as the cuff is being deflated, if cannot cough then the nurse should suction

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