Saturday, July 25, 2015

Wise Words....

 Don't take anything personally. Don't take that asschewing from Doctor I-Never-Want-To-Hear-Your-Opinion-Because-I-Am-God-And-Therefore-Infallible to heart. Don't be disheartened when you hear you've been written up, or that other nurses are talking shit. This is the HARDEST thing I've had to learn and I still struggle with it every day. But the fact of the matter is, people are going to talk shit about you for whatever reason: You're new. You know more. You're cuter. Your scrubs are too tight. You called in sick the past two days. You hit the keys too loud when you type. Your hair is a weird shade of brown. This happens. Let it roll off your back, be secure in what you know and what you don't, what you're comfortable with and what you aren't, and learn how to assertively (not aggressively) advocate for yourself. Other people's opinions of you not a reflection of you, but of them......Mojo,RN

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